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Remember the claims that President Obama wasn't born in the United States?
Or that health care reform -- a law that brings down costs and improves health care for all Americans -- would help "pull the plug on grandma"?
Yep: The President has seen his share of absurd attacks over the years. And as the election gets closer, they'll only get worse.
This campaign isn't going to wait to find out what's coming. We're building a program right now to snuff out these false attacks the moment they start, fight back against distortions of the President's record, and mobilize our supporters around the truth.
It's called AttackWatch.com -- and if you have an interest in seeing lies about President Obama countered, you should give it a close look.
Will you visit AttackWatch.com today and sign up to fight back on the President's behalf?
Yes, I want to help respond to attacks on the President.
Not right now, but I can donate $5 to fund the 2012 campaign and support this work.
Not right now, but I want to check out AttackWatch.com.
Being a part of AttackWatch.com is simple. Just visit the site when you see a new attack on the President. If we've heard it before, you'll be able to download all the facts and resources you need to fight back. If we haven't, you can be the first to let us know about it.
You can also sign up to be on the front lines as attacks develop -- we'll be in touch in the months ahead with new tips for how to spread the truth to your friends and neighbors.
The Republican candidates -- and their Super PAC friends, like Karl Rove's American Crossroads -- have shown they're not going to let up with the false attacks.
So if you're concerned about holding the Republicans accountable as they spread ever more desperate false attacks -- and you should be -- I hope you'll join us in building the team that fights back:
More to come,
Jim Messina
Campaign Manager - Obama for America"
Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.
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