And Tuesday, November 25, Alexa Weber Morales be playing Yoshi's Oakland with her band, focusing on originals, French, Cuban and Brazilian tunes and probably the kitchen sink thrown in for good measure. Stay tuned for more information on how to get tickets!
So here come the politics: Alexa has sent me some suggestions made by one of the Bay Area's finest singers, Sandy Cressman, who has invested much time and energy in the Obama/Biden campaign:
First of all--VOTE EARLY--in San Francisco, you can vote at City Hall
7 days a week...
1) Here is the link to Colin Powell's interview endorsing Obama on Face the Nation: send it to anyone who is on the fenceor to anyone who knows anyone who is still on the fence:
2) If you can get away for a weekend to canvass in a swingstate--there are two left before the election.
There have been thousands of Californians going to Nevada everyweekend....but it will be even more important to go to NewMexico....Ohio....Florida...
3) Get involved calling voters in swing states. You can do this fromthe comfort of your own home:
Alexa has also put a few new (original) tunes on YouTube, including a sillypolitical one that garnered laughs Friday night at an Obama fundraiserin Oakland.
So Erratic (Electile Dysfuntion)
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