Veteran music publicist Cheryl Hughey has just released a new ebooklet, "Music Promotion for Everyone, Volume 1." Designed to fit the growing needs of music students, this short collection of essays covers the subjects of leadership, salesmanship, marketing, communication skills, roles of industry professionals, appearance bookings and social media.
"The lessons are designed to give the developing artist a solid foundation in the key business skills needed to survive in the highly competitive entertainment marketplace," said the author.
"Music Promotion for Everyone, Volume 1" can be purchased for $3.99 on various ebook reader formats via Smashwords by visiting the following link: www.smashwords.com/books/view/76420
Fans are encouraged to visit the author's Twitter page at www.twitter.com/cherylhughey to check for special coupons and offers.
Please visit www.cherylhugheypromotions.com for more biographical information on the author.
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