Já posso dizer que "O Passarinho" é o maior sucesso de Arnaldo DeSouteiro como compositor, sem comparação com as minhas outras experiências nesta área como letrista. Sem desmerecer as anteriores. Afinal, a letra (em parceria com Paulo Malaguti) para "Broadway Bossa Nova", que me transformou em parceiro oficial de Dave Brubeck, recebeu duas gravações diferentes de Ithamara Koorax, lançadas em singles e incluidas nos álbuns "Bossa Nova King Best Box" (1996) e "Bossa Nova Meets Drum 'n' Bass" (1998). Ambas de grande repercussão no Japão e elogiadas pelo meu querido amigo Brubeck, que solicitara uma tradução literal antes de autorizar a Derry Music a preparar o contrato de edição.
No verão passado, "Samba da Copa" (letra de Arnaldo DeSouteiro para o tema de Fabio Fonseca e Pedro Leão) ameaçou estourar na Europa. Incluida na compilação "A Trip To Brazil Vol.5: Copa do Mundo 2006", que produzi para a Universal, chegou a tocar bastante nas rádios, principalmente na Alemanha, mas também na Áustria, Inglaterra, Suiça e Itália. Começou a entrar no setlist de vários DJs importantes e havia a possibilidade de virar single enquanto o Brasil seguia na Copa a trancos e barrancos. Porém, com o vexame da precoce eliminação da seleção brasileira, a música foi parando de tocar e o disco, do qual me orgulho muito pelo trabalho de pesquisa e pela qualidade da seleção musical e dos textos, foi parando de vender.
De qualquer modo, aliás, desvinculada agora do momento futebolístico, "Samba da Copa" (título conferido por mim, logicamente sob a aprovação de Fabio e Perdro) terá novas boas chances em breve, por estar incluida no aguardado novo disco do Fabio Fonseca Trio, "Opus Samba", já anunciado na Billboard.
Voltando a falar de "O Passarinho", preciso salientar a importância de sua escolha para a trilha sonora de "La Pupa e il Secchione", simplesmente o reality show de maior sucesso da TV italiana no momento - recordista absoluto de audiência, equivalente ao "Big Brother", e criado pela mesma empresa Endemol. Postarei em breve mais detalhes sobre o programa, mas centenas de vídeos estão no YouTube. E fico ainda mais feliz porque a versão incluida na trilha foi a original, co-produzida por mim antes dos remixes. Esta inclusão em "La Pupa e il Secchione" alavancou o sucesso de "O Passarinho" de uma maneira impressionante, fazendo disparar a execução da música nas rádios e nos clubes.
Tanto que, nos últimos dois meses, além do single e do CD com a trilha do reality show da TVI - comercializado também em edição especial, encartado em uma revista sobre o programa -, as versões originais e remixadas de "O Passarinho" também têm sido selecionadas para compilações recém-lançadas não apenas na Europa, como também no mercado asiático (Japão, Coréia, Taiwan, Singapura, Hong Kong, China) e até nos Estados Unidos. Entre elas: "Big Sur: Formentera", "Club Pineta: 50th Anniversaire", "Suave - Obsesión Latina", "Bossa na Praia" e outras programadas para os próximos meses.
Todas serão detalhadas nos posts seguintes. Hoje, me limitarei aos créditos do álbum "Brother and Sister", sem o qual nada disso estaria acontecido.
The first message posted in September couldn’t be other than a comment about my happiness & joy regarding the fact that my song “O Passarinho” (originally written for the superband Gazzara album “Brother and Sister”) became a hit in this European summer. After “Love Needs Time”, the first single from the CD, the track “O Passarinho” was chosen as the second single, released in late July. But even before the issue of the excellent remixes by top German DJ Tom Novy, the original version was receiving heavy airplay and also became a dancefloor hit, appearing in many charts all over Europe. Now, it really boomed!
I can already say that “O Passarinho” is, up to now, Arnaldo DeSouteiro’s biggest hit as a composer, far more sucessful than any of my previous efforts as a lyricist. After all, the lyrics I co-wrote with Paulo Malaguti for Dave Brubeck’s “Broadway Bossa Nova”, was recorded twice by Ithamara Koorax for the albums “Bossa Nova King Best Box” (1996) and “Bossa Nova Meets Drum ‘n’ Bass” (1998). Both were approved by my longtime dear friend Dave Brubeck, and became very successful in Japan, where Ithamara’s recordings of the tune remain being included in several compilations through the yaers.
In the 2006 summer, “Samba da Copa” (lyrics written by Arnaldo DeSouteiro for a theme by Fabio Fonseca and Pedro Leão) almost became a hit in Europe. Almost...!Included on the “A Trip to Brazil Vol.5: Copa do Mundo 2006” compilation, which I had produced for Universal, it received a lot of airplay, mainly in Germany, but also in Austria, England, Switzerland and Italy. “Samba da Copa” began to appear in the setlist of many famous DJs and could have become a big dancefloor hit if the Brazilian soccer team had done a better “performance”. Although I remain very proud of that compilation for its artistic content, it didn’t achieve the huge sales that the label had anticipated. Blame it on the Brazilian fiasco in the 2006 World Cup.
Anyway, I keep good hopes for “Samba da Copa”, since it will be included on Fabio Fonseca Trio’s upcoming album “Opus Samba”, already mentioned on Billboard.
Back to “O Passarinho”. It’s essential to tell how important was the fact that it was selected for the soundtrack of “La Pupa e il Secchione”, the most popular reality show on the Italian TV – it’s the Italian “Big Brother”, created by the same Endemol company. Soon I’ll be posting more details about the show, but you can find anything about it Googling and checking the YouTube. It’s also worth to mention that “O Passarinho” was included in the soundtrack on its original version, which I co-produced with Gazzara.
After the big “help” of having the song included in the “La Pupa e il Secchione” soundtrack, released on CD as well as on a special issue inserted in a magazine about the reality show, “O Passarinho” has been selected for several best-selling compilations. In the last two months, both the original and the remixed versions, have appeared in such albums as “Big Sur: Formentera”, “Club Pineta: 50th Anniversary”, “Suave – Obsesión Latina”and “Bossa na Praia”, available all over Europe, as well as in the American and Asian markets (Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, China). And there are many more scheduled for release in the next months. All will be detailed here in a soon future, but for today I am including below the credits from Gazzara’s album “Brother and Sister”, the one that started all this success.
Gazzara: "Brother and Sister"
(Silence/Ritmica CD SILRIT0010)
Distributed by Halidon
1. Love Needs Time (Gazzara)
2. Love is the Answer (Gazzara)
3. Brother and Sister (Gazzara)
4. Rio Funk (Gazzara)
5. O Passarinho (Gazzara/Arnaldo DeSouteiro/Ithamara Koorax)
6. Lost Time in Porto (Gazzara)
7. Back to Memphis (Gazzara/Yasemin Sannino)
8. Train to Sambaville (Gazzara)
9. Pay to Play (Gazzara)
10. The Miracle of Your Smile (Gazzara/Yasemin Sannino)
11. Hang Up On My Baby (Isaac Hayes)
12. Orinoco (Gazara)
Bonus Track:
13. Brother and Sister - Canterbury Mix
Recorded at Boogie Productions (Rome), Silence Studio (Florence), Sound Way Studios (Los Angeles)
Gazzara - Producer, Fender Rhodes, Hammond Organ, Piano (Acoustic), Moog Synthesizer, Guitar (Acoustic), Engineer, Arranger
Bob Salton - Executive Producer
Marco Lamioni - Electric, Nylon & Slide Guitars, Producer
Andrea Varani - Cover Photo
Qzilla - Artwork
Ithamara Koorax - Vocals (Lead), Mouth Percussion, Vocal "Bird" Effects
Eduardo Piloto Barretto - Flute
Massimo Sanna - Bass (Electric), Guitar (Electric)
Arnaldo DeSouteiro - Producer, Engineer, Vocal Arrangements
Mauro Mirti - Drums, Percussion
Julia Bernat - Digital Transfers
Dan Anderson - Engineer
Yasemin Sannino - Vocals (Lead)
Luca Fogagnolo - Bass (Acoustic)
Wendy Lewis - Vocals (Lead & Backing)
Desirèe Mohammad - Vocals (Lead & Backing)
Jo Oakey - Vocals (Backing)
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