According to our records, you currently live in California's 30th congressional district.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 8th, voters across California will head to the polls to cast their ballots in this year's primary election.
Californians will cast their votes for the candidates who will represent them in state and local government and in the halls of Congress -- so it's crucial that as many voters as possible make their voices heard.
To make sure you're prepared, please click here to confirm your voter registration and the location of your polling place.
Polls are open on Tuesday, June 8th, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. If this is your first time voting, please bring a valid ID such as any government-issued ID or recent utility bill or bank statement. If you have any problems voting, please call the California Democratic Party's voter protection hotline: 916-442-5707.
You can visit the website below for more information about voting:
Stacy Cohen
California Field Director - Organizing for America"
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