Review of Barbara Dennerlein's new CD "Change Of Pace" in the June issue of the German magazine "Jazzthing".
In a not quite accurate translation:
"Barbara Dennerlein is a musical explorer. In June 2005 the organist chose the Philharmonic Orchestra of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate for a first-time meeting between jazz trio and classical orchestra. An exceptional project has been recorded at the Philharmonic Hall of Essen which is a open minded place for musical experiments. The author visited the fascinating concert and admits: also on CD this liaison infatuates. Dennerlein on the Hammond B3, saxophonist Peter Lehel and drummer Daniel Messina find ways to meet with the classical musicians without getting lost in fusion fen. Dennerlein's own compositions like "Longing" or "Pendel der Zeit" (pendulum of time), well-proven in other line-ups, provide a wide range for exciting musical conversations (with a dramatic rise at the end of the title track). Thus, "Change Of Pace" comes along as a thrilling symphonic-jazzy experiment."
Other features will follow in "Jazzthetik", “Keyboards”, “Okey!” and “Jazz-Podium”.
Barbara Dennerlein in German talk show in June
In the German version of the "Letterman show" Barbara will be guest of entertainer Harald Schmidt on June 14th. He played organ in church in his early years but we are not really sure if it will be an expert talk. Probably he is more interested in the question if playing the pedals only with the toes has more sex appeal... Barbara will also perform two or three titles on her Hammond B3. If you can receive the German television (Das Erste, ARD) you might switch-on at 10.45 p.m. (CEST).
You will find the tourdates below. We hope that we will meet on the occasion of one or another concert.
"Barbara Dennerlein is a musical explorer. In June 2005 the organist chose the Philharmonic Orchestra of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate for a first-time meeting between jazz trio and classical orchestra. An exceptional project has been recorded at the Philharmonic Hall of Essen which is a open minded place for musical experiments. The author visited the fascinating concert and admits: also on CD this liaison infatuates. Dennerlein on the Hammond B3, saxophonist Peter Lehel and drummer Daniel Messina find ways to meet with the classical musicians without getting lost in fusion fen. Dennerlein's own compositions like "Longing" or "Pendel der Zeit" (pendulum of time), well-proven in other line-ups, provide a wide range for exciting musical conversations (with a dramatic rise at the end of the title track). Thus, "Change Of Pace" comes along as a thrilling symphonic-jazzy experiment."
Other features will follow in "Jazzthetik", “Keyboards”, “Okey!” and “Jazz-Podium”.
Barbara Dennerlein in German talk show in June
In the German version of the "Letterman show" Barbara will be guest of entertainer Harald Schmidt on June 14th. He played organ in church in his early years but we are not really sure if it will be an expert talk. Probably he is more interested in the question if playing the pedals only with the toes has more sex appeal... Barbara will also perform two or three titles on her Hammond B3. If you can receive the German television (Das Erste, ARD) you might switch-on at 10.45 p.m. (CEST).
You will find the tourdates below. We hope that we will meet on the occasion of one or another concert.
Tourdates Barbara Dennerlein 2007
22.45 Köln/D - 51063, Harald Schmidt Show (Solo &with Band)
16.06.2007 21.00
Patras/Greece, (Trio with Chico Freeman)
14.07.2007 20.00 Schriesheim/D - 69198, Weinscheuer (Trio)
19.07.2007 20.00 Schwäbisch-Gmünd/D - 73525, Pfarrkirche St. Franziskus (Solo/church organ Zwischenspiele beim Chorkonzert)
21.07.2007 19.30 Waldshut-Tiengen/D - 79761, Jazzfest Tiengener Sommer (Solo & with Duo Netzer & Scheytt)
29.07.2007 19.00 Waiblingen/D - 71332, Michaelskirche (Solo/church organ)
06.08.2007 19.00 Santa Cruz/USA - CA 95060, The Kuumbwa Jazz Center (Quartett)
07.08.2007 20.00 Oakland/USA - CA 94607, Yoshis at Jack London Square (Quartett)
13.08.2007 19.30 San Diego/USA - CA 92101-1661, Balboa Park (Solo/church organ)
17.08.2007 20.00 Rhens/D - 56321, Dyonisiuskirche (Duo)
19.08.2007 19.00 Düren/D - 52349, Christuskirche (Duo/church organ)
23.08.2007 21.00 Zug/CH - 6300, Landesgemeindeplatz, Bühne Gerbiplatz (Solo & with Duo Netzer & Scheytt)
22.09.2007 20.00 Einbeck/D - 37574, BBS, Berufsbildende Schulen (Duo)
29.09.2007 20.15 Amsterdam/NL - 1054 JK, Orgelpark (Solo/church organ)
19.10.2007 20.30 Harsewinkel/D - 33428, Farm House Jazz Club (Solo)
20.10.2007 20.00 Werne/D - 59368, Rathaussaal (Solo & with Duo Netzer & Scheytt)
21.10.2007 20.00 Senden/D - 48308, Steverhalle im Sportpark (Solo & with Duo Netzer & Scheytt)
24.10.2007 20.00 Bremen/D - 28195, Glocke, Großer Saal (Trio/Hammond & concert organ)
27.10.2007 20.00 Melle-Buer/D - 49328, Martinikirche (Solo/Hammond & church organ)
08.11.2007 20.00 Betzdorf/D - 57518, Ev. Kreuzkirche (Solo/church organ)
12.12.2007 20.15 Steinebach/D - 82237, Steinebacher (Solo)
27.12.2007 18.10 Flims Waldhaus/CH - 7018, Mehrzweckhalle Flims Dorf, 3.Internationales Rhythm and Blues Festival (Duo)
27.12.2007 22.35 Flims Waldhaus/CH - 7018, Mehrzweckhalle Flims Dorf, 3.Internationales Rhythm and Blues Festival (Duo)
29.12.2007 17.00 Flims Waldhaus/CH - 7018, Mehrzweckhalle Flims Dorf, 3.Internationales Rhythm and Blues Festival (Duo)
29.12.2007 21.00 Flims Waldhaus/CH - 7018, Mehrzweckhalle Flims Dorf, 3.Internationales Rhythm and Blues Festival (Duo)
08.03.2008 20.30 Crailsheim/D - 74564, Rathaussaal (Solo & with Duo Netzer & Scheytt)
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