Sunday, August 15, 2021

Dr. Ernani Agricola, doc 423 - Resenha sobre o livro "Campanha Nacional Contra A Lepra" publicado no Tropical Diseases Bulletin, 1949

Resenha sobre o livro "Campanha Nacional Contra A Lepra", de Ernani Agricola, publicado por H. Harold Scott no Tropical Diseases Bulletin, de Julho de 1949, Vol. 46, no. 7, página 680-81. - Londres, Inglaterra

O livro reproduz palestras proferidas ao microfone da PRA-2 do Serviço de Radiodifusão Educativa do Ministério da Educação e Saúde - 181 páginas

During the nine months, November 1944 and August 1945, Dr. Ernani Agricola was directed by the Ministry of Education and Health of Brazil to deliver broadcasts almost every week, telling the people about leprosy and what was being done to deal with it in their own country. Thinking that these talks might be interesting and useful to a wider circle, the author has now collected them together and reissued them in a small book. From the point of view of the man in the street, including in this term the intelligent layman, these broadcasts would doubtless accomplish what they purport to do, for they are expressed in simple straightforward language, avoiding the use of technical terms.

Review about the book "Campanha Nacional Contra A Lepra" (National Campaign Against Leprosy), written by Dr. Ernani Agricola, printed on Tropical Diseases Bulletin - July 1949 - Vol. 46, No. 7, pp 680-81.

During the nine months, November 1944 and August 1945, Dr. Ernani Agricola was directed by the Ministry of Education and Health of Brazil to deliver broadcasts almost every week, telling the people about leprosy and what was being done to deal with it in their own country. Thinking that these talks might be interesting and useful to a wider circle, the author has now collected them together and reissued them in a small book. From the point of view of the man in the street, including in this term the intelligent layman, these broadcasts would doubtless accomplish what they purport to do, for they are expressed in simple straightforward language, avoiding the use of technical terms. - H. Harold Scott - London, UK

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