Our records show that you live in California's 23rd district. Get involved and help bring change now.
Last night, Barack took to the airwaves to make the case for real change. He used the time to tell the stories of ordinary people who need real solutions to their problems. The presentation reached its finale with Barack addressing the nation live from Florida -- I've included the video of that moment below. But right now, I need to ask you for help.
We just learned that the McCain campaign and the Republican National Committee had a $20 million cash advantage on October 15th. That means we can expect to see a fierce blitz of negativity in the final days -- so-called "robocalls," mail pieces, and TV ads filled with smears and false attacks. We can't let our opponents' low-road tactics prevail. To stand up to this last-minute spending spree, we need to step up our efforts.
Watch Barack's speech and make your first donation of $5 or more before it's too late:
The resources we have to get our message out in the next 5 days could make all the difference.
Thanks for your support,
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