Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sunday: Get fired up in Goleta


The "enthusiasm gap" is shrinking fast.

A lot of the Washington, D.C. pundits claim you don't care about this year's election -- that the right-wing is more invested in what happens to our country than you are -- but you and I know better.

When 26,500 fired-up Americans showed up to hear President Obama speak in Wisconsin two weeks ago, there was no enthusiasm gap. And when folks like you make calls and knock on doors to get folks to commit to vote this week, there will be no enthusiasm gap.

Click here to RSVP for a voter contact event in Goleta?

Here are the details:
What: Vote 2010 Event
Where: Beachside Bar Cafe
5905 Sandspit Road
Goleta, CA 93117

When: Sunday, October 10th
1:00 pm

If you can't make that event, see if there's another one near you.

President Obama has often reminded us that change doesn't happen overnight -- and there's good reason to be fired up. This movement -- along with the President and his allies in Congress -- has helped employ three million Americans and passed important reforms for health care and Wall Street. Now we're working together to pass immigration reform, create green jobs, and repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

Compare that record to the Republican candidates who are promoting the same agenda that drove our economy off a cliff, demanding that we return to the failed policies of the past.

Like Joe Miller, the Alaska Republican Senate nominee who has called for the elimination of the minimum wage. Or Rob Portman, running for Senate in Ohio, who helped shape the Bush Administration's economic policies.

And at least five Republican Senate nominees have said they would support getting rid of the Department of Education.

These people are not some fringe candidates -- they are the new Republican mainstream. And we cannot let them win.

But we need you to join other volunteers in Goleta on Sunday to pull it off:

Jeremy Bird
Deputy Director
Organizing for America

P.S. -- Tomorrow evening, Thursday, October 7th at 6:00 p.m., Senator Barbara Boxer is holding a conference call with OFA California volunteers. This is an exciting opportunity to hear from the Senator and get fired up for the final weeks of this election -- register here to receive the number and passcode for the call:

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