Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Obama - "Day 7: Call into swing districts"

"Dear Arnaldo:

According to our records, you are currently living in California's 30th congressional district.

In 2008, voters in Washington's 8th congressional district voted to send President Obama to Washington to fight for change -- including for desperately needed health insurance reform. They expected Republican Representative Dave Reichert to reach across the aisle to be a partner for change.

Unfortunately, last fall Rep. Reichert opposed reform and voted to let insurance companies continue jacking up premiums and denying care to sick people. But it's not too late for him to change his mind and put average Americans and the middle class ahead of corporate and special interests.

The next make-or-break vote on reform is just a few days away, it's expected to be extremely close, and Rep. Reichert could be critical. So for Day 7 of the Final March for Reform, our plan is to reach out to voters in his district and ask them to call their representative to speak out for reform.

Using our easy online tool, we'll give you a list of friendly voters and tips on what to say. If we can help even a few of these folks call Rep. Reichert's office it could make a huge difference -- so please take a few minutes and get started now.
Our online Neighbor-to-Neighbor tool makes calling quick and easy. Once you log in (it only takes a few seconds) you'll get a list of like-minded voters in Rep. Reichert's district.

Our message is simple: Rep. Reichert can stand with Washington families and businesses by casting a key "yes" vote or continue on the path of bitter partisanship and suffer at the polls in November.

Today, OFA supporters across the country are calling voters in similar districts as part of our Final March for Reform. It's not too late for Republican representatives to do the right thing for their districts and the nation -- we only hope they're willing to listen to their constituents.

After so many months of work, a final vote could come any day, and every vote in the House could tip the balance. Please don't wait -- call a few of these critical voters now:



Mitch Stewart
Director -Organizing for America"

P.S. -- Would you rather make these calls with other volunteers? This week, OFA supporters nationwide are hosting Final March for Reform events to reach out to voters in critical districts. You can find one in your area here:

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