Sunday, August 26, 2007

Claus Ogerman: "The Man Behind The Music" (4-CD Box Set)

Claus Ogerman: "The Man Behind The Music" [4-CD Box Set]
Universal 2001
Thanks to:
Heike Adam & Cindy Carp (Sony Music)
Alan & Marilyn Bergman
Arnaldo DeSouteiro
Jörg Eipasch
Robert A. Finkelstein
Irene Geerts (Universal Clearing & Coding)
Heidi Hohnebach (Koch International)
Steve Hamelink & Sven Jung (Zyx Music)
Suitbert Kempkes
Jay Landers
Douglas Payne
Renate Schreiber (Warner Special Marketing)
Tina Sinatra
Barbra Streisand
Very special thanks to:
Tommy LiPuma (The Verve Music Group)
Titus Lancer (Helios Music)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! Anyone knows the email of Jorg Eipasch? Thanks for informing. My email is jade.bak at